CASE STUDY 1.1 – Deployment of a Process based business management system
Large global Automotive company (65 000 Employees, 5 divisions) needed a defined process model and system of processes to unite the business. There was a need for a simple, standard identifiable system of processes for the „new consolidated“ company to align too.
Each Division had an independent management system with a different structure and definition.
There was an opportunity to „think process“ and move away from a „functional pillar“ view of the business.
A concept was developed prior to Top Management approval with the leads of the divisional functions. The starting point was a Business Policy Manual (Level 1) based on a simple process model describing the Management, Core and Support processes.
After Senior Management „go“, these key business processes then needed to be defined across 5 divisions globally.
Senior management engagement and process ownership in each division was critical to the further definition of Level 2 common process flows.
A common understanding of process management and process modelling tools was essential to align the divisions.
A document management system and a simple process modelling standard had to be developed to detail Level 2 processes. (VISIO, HTML, MS-FRONTPAGE).
Special attention was given to the external certifying bodies to ensure their buy-in for ISOTS16949 and ISO14001 certification that had to be maintained by all divisions in the implementation phase lasting up to 2 years.
Level 1 Business Process Manual defining the policies and missions of all key processes was approved unanimously by Top Management.
Full alignment of all divisions taking current management systems and aligning to the new structures through cross referencing current systems was achieved. The next level 2 processes were developed using process modelling and representation from each function and division.
The Process based system was presented at external business forums in the era before the certification world adopted process-based management systems.
A common language of Processes was created.
More than 15 years later the process model and structure was still in operation.