BLOG #9 – June 2024

Battling complexity, systems thinking, and creating a learning organization requires more than quick fixes.

„The Fifth Discipline“ by Peter M. Senge brought several insights to light for me:

Moving away from simplistic linear cause-and-effect thinking is challenging. Experienced problem solvers often delve deep to find root causes, but systemic issues, especially those owned by management, are more complex. Structures, processes, and people involve multiple variables and are hard to quantify, making linear thinking inadequate. We need systems (and scientific) thinking to re-evaluate our mental models and assumptions.

Personal mastery, or confidence through taking responsibility for our own development, benefits both us and the business. Understanding your Ikigai or purpose helps guide personal development and makes you more authentic. This clarity helps others understand your goals, making your career progression more robust. Managers can better support us with tailored development plans. When personal mastery aligns with a shared business vision and a culture of continuous learning, reflection, and dialogue, a learning culture can emerge. This aligns with Toyota Way’s principle 12 – Observe deeply and Learn Iteratively (PDCA) to meet each challenge.

A business is an organic, adaptive system. Sharing experiences and lessons learned, reflection, and coaching are essential elements of a learning organization. Over the years, I have stimulated learning in various ways:

  • Establishing good practice sharing across the business.
  • Creating technical expert-led centers of competence to nurture technical career development.
  • Developing multidisciplinary lessons-to-be-learned review cycles to improve business standards.
  • Implementing Train-The-Trainer concepts, where training modules are internally developed and delivered.
  • Introducing a peer review process for problem-solving approaches to continually sharpen skills.

What insights have you gained from this book? Any thoughts or feedback?